Beloved, however you voted, pray for our leaders, pray for their decisions and speak and write about them with respect. We do not have to agree with them to do so, just show proper respect. Even if we oppose them. Read Rom 13:1-7. I have a challenge for you all - seek to express your political opinions by sticking to issues and acts and avoid ad hominem attacks. We should hold our leaders accountable - all of them. And again, do it respectfully. Lev 19:18, Gal 5:14, Eph 5:2, 1 Jn 3:11. How do people know we are Jesus' disciples? How do we speak and act toward all men, as well as toward one another. Jn 13:34-35.
Here we are at the beginning of another new administration. One regime leaves and another takes its place. When I was 18 I voted for the first time in any election, national or otherwise. It all seemed so new and "adult." Since then, it seems like a revolving door - Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Trump. And over the years those who liked the loser in any contest reviled, poked fun etc. at the new leader. Humor is cathartic and at times very refreshing. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves. And, humor can be used to make points that need to be made. I do think that we often cross the line that exists between valid criticism and disrespect. In scripture (Ex 22:28 and Act 23:5) we are commanded not to speak evil of or curse the ruler of our people. I hear and see professing believers violate this constantly. Whether I care for a leader and their policies or not, I need to speak respectfully about them and pray for them. In 1 Tim 2 we are commanded to pray for our leaders. In 1 Pet 2 we are called on to "fear God and honor the king." The king referred to in the latter passage was reprobate, matricide, murderer, sexual predator etc. etc. - Nero, emperor of Rome. Peter no doubt detested Nero's deeds yet he was determined to honor his position as king/emperor. In the same manner, some of us who have served in the military know that although a superior officer or NCO may be unethical, incompetent or worse, we still needed to respect their position and rank.
Beloved, however you voted, pray for our leaders, pray for their decisions and speak and write about them with respect. We do not have to agree with them to do so, just show proper respect. Even if we oppose them. Read Rom 13:1-7. I have a challenge for you all - seek to express your political opinions by sticking to issues and acts and avoid ad hominem attacks. We should hold our leaders accountable - all of them. And again, do it respectfully. Lev 19:18, Gal 5:14, Eph 5:2, 1 Jn 3:11. How do people know we are Jesus' disciples? How do we speak and act toward all men, as well as toward one another. Jn 13:34-35.
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