It is interesting to watch the fruit of faith unfold in people's lives. It can also be heartbreaking when the fruit is toxic. There is a direct cause and effect relationship in human lives. People tend to live from moment to moment without taking a "long view" of things. Like a shopper snagging a tempting goodie off of an end display at a store; spending money that they hadn't planned to spend on an impulse, people frequently act without thinking through the possible results of a snap choice. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding," is still good advice. Dear ones, does your faith inform your life? Our present priorities will determine tomorrow's harvest. And in life, we are continually reaping the fruit that we planted yesterday. What we are sowing now we will reap tomorrow. Sow to the flesh and from it reap destruction, sow to the Spirit and reap a godly harvest. Read Gal 5:16-26. We each have a choice, every day, moment by moment how we choose to live. Seek to yield to, know and serve God, and His Spirit will transform you. Seek the things of your old nature and the fruit of sin will taint your life. Believers are redeemed and no one can take them out of our Father's hand. We have been delivered from the power of sin and death but - Satan can still direct us to a course that yields destruction, yes, even in a believer's life. He cannot take away salvation but if we yield ourselves to the wrong things the result will be ugly. "Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one you obey - whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or obedience which leads to righteousness" (Rom 6:16). Every believer in Christ is daily sowing a crop that they will harvest, probably sooner than later. What will it be? Seek Him! Serve Him! Follow Him!
November 2020
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