The fledgling church was exhorted to “fear God and honor the king (1 Pet 2:17).” Imagine the reaction of Jews to this? They wanted Rome out of their land and lives. Imagine the reaction of Greek or Roman slaves who were just trying to survive and cared little for politics or the doings of their overlords? What does this translate into in our world? Love God, love your neighbor and seek the glory of Christ in all things. Pray for those in authority over you, even those whose actions and agenda you oppose (1 Tim 2). In fact pray for everyone. It pleases God who wants men to come to the knowledge of the truth. Care for your family and earn your way (1 Thes 4:11-12). Love your neighbor and treat them the way that you desire to be treated (Rom 13:8-12). Be good citizens (Rom 13:1-7), encourage one another in the faith (Heb 10:25-26). Remember that although we should be aware of and engaged in the happenings of our society we need to take the long view and remember that our citizenship is in heaven and live accordingly.
Beloved, there are those who try hard to mobilize the church for one thing or another. This is especially so in the political sphere. We (the visible church) are viewed as a fairly monolithic voting block. And we are either courted or demonized by one side or the other. I am frankly offended by this. We are not a "voting block," we are the church of the Living God! The world also views us as a cash cow and does everything possible to access our wallets. Corporately and as individuals we have an obligation to pursue and advocate righteousness. But, we each have to prayerfully choose what those things are. Outside people/organizations want to get us behind one thing or another in lock step. We represent a potential source of income, or votes etc. Just keep yourself clear minded and don't allow yourself to jump up on anyone's "bandwagon." We are to think, pray and then speak and act.
As a pastor I desire people in our congregation to study issues and candidates, pray about what to do and who to support and to act accordingly. We should vote. It is your business who to cast your vote for; it is mine to admonish you to do it. Above all, pray for our nation for God's will to be done here "on earth as it is in heaven." And I want God's people to pray for whoever wins the election and strive to honor God no matter what the political and economic climate happens to be. We have a high and holy calling as God's people to be "salt and light." That happens when we love and serve God, and love our neighbor. Love, Tony