I specifically do not want and will not tolerate speaking abusively or disparagingly about candidates or elected officials.
Discussing their relative merit and discussing issues is one thing. Disrespect and derogatory humor is unacceptable. I may or may not have voted for this one or that, but I need to show respect (Ex 22;28, Acts 23:5). God raises up and removes leaders and I slander His judgement when I slander them (Jas 4:11-12).
The rulers of Judea and Rome were godless and often grossly immoral and squandered the resources of their people on many things that were ungodly. Nothing is really different now yet we are commanded in the word to pay our taxes and show respect to those who rule us.
It is easy to get caught up in the passions of the day. Television, talk radio etc. produce a continuous drumbeat of strident, partisan opinion. How much time do we spend soaking it all up? Trust me, a constant "diet" will warp anyone!
Don't misunderstand - getting information on current issues is good but it is like exercise: "Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." (1 Tim 4:8). Keep your focus on Christ and love your neighbor. Tony